
I have such a wanderlust for travel and adventure! Every time I sit on the beach listening to the crashing waves of the ocean, wondering at its vastness, tuck into a quiet little cafe in the cranny of a bustling city, or drive across country, it's like flicking a switch inside me. My heart comes alive; inspiration is born.

The unique beauty I capture through photographs and then later re-express through digital watercolor art makes all of the travel even more magical, giving me an opportunity to revisit the experience over and over again. There is no feeling like it -- to be wide-eyed with awe of the world around you, open to experiencing all the secrets and surprises travel has to offer. God is such an amazing artist; He has given us such glory in the world around us, and to be able to experience and capture it is such an honor.

We just came home from a quick trip to College Station, Texas for a very special adventure, and on the final push of the drive home, there were moments of questioning if it's all really worth it.

We have a beautiful home and are very comfortable here. We don’t have to travel, we don’t have to homeschool, we don’t have to leave our comfort zone. It would actually be easier not to because outside of it, we open ourselves up to being vulnerable to many things outside of our control.

But if we choose to stay “comfortable” we miss out on infinite incredible moments. Last weekend was absolutely indescribable. As I sat here this week in the comforts of my home, decompressing over my coffee, I am so grateful for the memories we made this weekend, and I am so inspired for more adventures to come our way.

Similarly someday when my children are graduated and building their own adult lives, I know I’ll look back with gratitude over our homeschooling days and be so thankful for the memories made, the countless hours I would have missed with them, the opportunity to adventure and grow together.

It’s healthy to pause, question, and evaluate, to be absolutely honest about your abilities and limits. Isn't that just like life? Many times I’m in over my head, beyond my limits…but I know God’s got me because where I am weak, He is strong…and He is carrying me and my crew through. 🥰

Be blessed and know that you are loved!
